Administrative Areas and Cities in Byzantine Palestine

In order to understand the history of Palestine during the Byzantine period, it is important to know and understand the administrative changes and developments during the period. In this article we are describing exactly that, the administrative organization of Palestine and its cities under Byzantine control.

Back to Avdat: The Birth of a New Realization

Avdat, the Nabataean settlement in the Negev desert, has become more than just a point of interest to me. Avdat has become the birthplace for a new realization to me of how I relate to this whole place, what is popular known as Israel/Palestine.

Al-Mawazin: The Scales of Haram al-Sharif

I recently published a photo project on the stairways to the Dome of the Rock platform, al-Mawazin. However, I felt more could be said, but that would demand a bit more in depth writing about the subject. That’s what I have done here.

The Mosque of Subeita

After my visit to Subeita/Shivta, I got curious about the mosque there, particularly in the context of my interest in Islamic history in the Holy Land. I have written this article, presenting some

Back from the Negev

I just had a short vacation with the family, which we took advantage of by going to the Negev. There we took the opportunity to enjoy both history and nature. Read a little more about that here.

Thoughts on Islamic Architecture

The term “Islamic architecture” is often used to describe architectural styles typically found in the historical Muslim world, from the Maghreb to the Hindus River. But this term is used incorrectly, confusing design and function. I’m talking a little about that subject here.

Avdat – A monument for a people no longer here

Recently my family and I went on a trip to the south, to the Negev. Or, to Sde Boker, to be more precise, where we spent some days of relaxation at the beautiful Hotel Kedma. We needed it, to get away and get some distance from the everyday stress. Sde Boker is a...

Settling in my new home

I’ve finally found my new “home”, which hopefully will also be the last “home”. This is my new website, where I will be sharing some thoughts and insights about what traditionally is known as “the Holy Land”. Read my thoughts on “settling down” in this post.

Living for photography, photographing to live

Hi! I’m Samuel. Welcome to my website, where you will be able to read about all kinds of subjects related to “the Holy Land”. I try to illustrate all of it with somewhat decent photos. No guarantees, though.

Read more about me and the website in the About section.